PressReader provides over 7,000 UK and international digital newspapers and magazines for free, featuring publications from over 100 countries and in 60 languages.
How it works
To access on your computer, follow the link to Press Reader
Click on 'Sign in' and then 'Library or Group', then scroll to find 'Lewisham' or type it in the search bar and select it.
Enter your Library card number in the lower box and press 'login'.
To access on your own device, download the PressReader app from your app store.
Press Reader Hotspots
All Lewisham Library sites, including Community Libraries, and Adult Learning Lewisham Centres have now been set up as PressReader hotspots. This means that visitors can access PressReader for a whole week without needing to register, simply by logging on to the Wi-Fi once.
Upon initially connecting to the Wi-Fi, users receive a complimentary 7-day access period. Subsequently, they retain the ability to utilize the PressReader App via their mobile data connection.
After 7 days, they need to re-authenticate with the institution's Wi-Fi to regain access. However, they can still use the PressReader App using their mobile data in the meantime.
Please also note that anyone can join Lewisham Libraries using the online form for instant access to the full range of our e-resources.