Saturday 9th November 11am-12noon - Deptford Lounge



Dungeons & Dragons games and activities


Join the Meat Shields for a thrilling Dungeons and Dragons adventure! No experience points necessary, pre-made characters and dice will be provided! Please book a space if you would like to play but there is no obligation to stay for the whole session.

Not ready to delve into an adventure just yet? Then come design a character or illustrate part of our communal map. This will be drop in and doesn't require a booking.


Book Here


Saturday 9th November 10am-12noon - Corbett Community Library



Futuristic Cityscape Dioramas with MBxArtLAB


Inspired by sci-fi settings, imagine a future land or cityscape and create a 2D collage or 3D diorama using recycled and unwanted waste materials


Book Here


Sunday 10th November 2-4pm - Catford Library



Sci-Fi writing workshop with London Science Fiction Research Community


The London Science Fiction Research Community invites you to participate in a creative writing workshop. Together we will read, discuss and respond to a short science fiction story with small writing prompts.

The London Science Fiction Research Community (LSFRC) is an organisation of SF scholars and fans, led by graduate students, early career scholars, writers and artists. The Community presents in-person reading groups, film screenings and other events several times a year. See our linktree for more details.


Book Here


Tuesday 12th November 5.30-6.30pm - Downham Library



Nets, Knots and Space Crones: Ursula Le Guin inspired macrame workshop


“If it is a human thing to do to put something you want, because it's useful, edible, or beautiful, into a bag, or a basket, or a bit of rolled bark or leaf, or a net woven of your own hair, or what have you, and then take it home with you, home being another, larger kind of pouch or bag, a container for people, and then later on you take it out and eat it or share it or store it up for winter in a solider container or put it in the medicine bundle or the shrine or the museum, the holy place, the area that contains what is sacred, and then next day you probably do much the same again--if to do that is human, if that's what it takes, then I am a human being after all. Fully, freely, gladly, for the first time."

Join us at Lewisham Libraries for macrame workshops inspired by sci-fi writer Ursula Le Guin’s Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction. We will weave and knot our own straps to carry our own belongings – think reusable water bottles, keys and phones! Learning simple macrame techniques together, we will discuss Le Guin’s wonderful essay (we’ll have copies and print outs!) about the power of telling stories differently. Beginners welcome, suitable for 14+ and anyone interested in feminist science fiction


Book Here


Wednesday 13th November 4-5pm - Deptford Lounge


Young Adults Book Club


Join us for our first Deptford YA Book Club at Deptford Lounge, where we'll be discussing the comedy sci-fi classic The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

This session will be the first of a monthly book club aimed at young people between the ages of 13-18 and will continue to run all year round.

The book group will be fun and inclusive, and is open to everyone regardless of their reading interests and ability.

If you would like to borrow a physical copy, electoric copy, or audiobook of Hitchhiker's Guide, simply ask a librarian at any Lewisham library.


More Info


Thursday 14th November 4-5.30pm - Downham Library



Learning game design: Game mechanics with INTO Games


What makes a game a game? Learn what game mechanics are directly from a top UK games designer in this talk and practical mini-workshop. For ages 12-17.


Book Here


Friday 15th November 4-5.30pm - Grove Park Community Library



Libraries as Spaceships: Drawing and collage workshop with Ruth Beale


Join artist Ruth Beale as they share the secrets of turning libraries into spaceships. Using drawing and collage, the workshop will be a chance to create your own library spaceship inspired by the art of sci-fi illustration.


Book Here


Friday 15th November 4-6pm - Crofton Park Community Library



History of banner making with Make Mee Studio


Join sewing social enterprise Make Mee Studio and the Crofton Park Community Library team for a series of workshops culminating in a collaborative community banner that will be exhibited in the library. We will explore our ideas of an imagined future world delving into storytelling, world building and exploring the rich cultural history of textile banner making whilst getting stuck in making our own banner.

This session will focus on the history of banner making. We will look at how powerful textiles can be in getting your message across and try out different textile techniques, with hand and machine sewing, as well as some printing. We will hone the final design for our future world banner.

The workshops are open to all ages, adults and children 7+, this is a collaborative workshop for our whole local community. You can join all of the workshops or just 1 or 2. Children under 11 must be accompanied by an adult.


Book Here


Friday 15th November 6-7pm - Catford Library or online



AI and our future with The Philosophy Foundation


AI is very much with us; not just a science fiction idea we might dream about (or have nightmares about!). So what does it mean for us? Is it good or bad for us? To what extent is AI separate from us or part of us? Come along to this interactive session to explore your own ideas, those of others and maybe one or two philosopher’s ideas. This will be one place where AI cannot do the thinking for you!  


Book here to attend in-person

Book here to attend online