Information for authors and publishers
Lewisham Libraries are happy to support authors and/or books with an explicit link to Lewisham and South London.
Our quarterly 'Local and Independent Authors Showcase' event series will provide a platform for local authors to promote their works and engage with new audiences through readings, activities and book signings. It will also foster collaboration and community building between local authors. These events will cover fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels and poetry for adults and children. If you are interested in taking part, please fill in this form.
Traditionally published authors and their publishers are welcome to approach us with donations and suggestions for co-created library events. If authors wish to suggest books for purchase, they must be available to purchase from our library suppliers and will be considered within the parameters of our Stock Strategy. Please forward all such enquiries to the stock librarian: [email protected]
Local and independent authors, please be aware that we have limited budget and capacity for stock across the borough. If you are happy to donate a single copy of your publication then we may consider adding this to our collection. In limited cases we may wish to purchase more copies directly from you. Please complete this form if you are interested in donating a copy of your publication.
Self-published authors who are interested in organising their own library event are welcome to enquire about booking one of the meeting rooms across Lewisham library sites. Library staff may support in the promotion of events if materials are provided by the author. Please forward all room booking enquiries to the relevant library – a full list can be found here.