Privacy notice


​Information about how, when and why Lewisham Libraries processes personal information about you.


What information we collect


We may ask for your:


  • name
  • address
  • phone number
  • email address
  • date of birth
  • ethnicity
  • gender
  • photograph

Agencies we might share the information with


Your personal information is kept securely at all times and only those persons who are authorised to provide library services within The Libraries Consortium have access to your data.


There may be points when your data will be shared within the Council when required by law or with contracted organisations when required to deliver specific services, such as leisure concessions. In these cases, only minimal information will be shared and you will be informed.


Photography: On occasion, photography or filming may take place within a Lewisham library; images may be shared on our social media feeds or with partner organisations who have assisted with an event in order to promote library events and deliver a better library service. In all instances, notices will be prominently displayed in the relevant venue, and these notices will indicate clearly how to withdraw consent regarding photography and the use of any images captured.


Why we process your information


We process your information to:


  • deliver our service
  • improve our service
  • plan our service