Lewisham Libraries Acceptable Use of Computers Policy
In order to gain access to the internet and other electronic resources via a Lewisham Council terminal you must agree to abide by the Lewisham Libraries and Information service Acceptable Use Policy. This is on display in the library and available from staff.
You must not create, access, copy, store, transmit or publish any material which:
1. is obscene, racist, defamatroy, illegal or otherwise unlawful;
2. causes harrassment or offence to others;
3. would be a breach of copyright.
If you do not abide by these conditions, Lewisham Council will withdraw your access to the internet in Lewisham Libraries and may take further action as appropriate.
Lewisham Council accepts no liability for the quality of information on the internet or for misuse of the internet by library users.
As is the case with all other library materials, any restriction of a child's access to the internet is the responsiblity of the child's parent, carer or legal guardian.
Users should be aware that some online activities, such as the use of chatrooms, game-playing and financial transactions, may have risks attached to them.